Git is a version control system mostly used for code.
- Set username (for your commits)
git config --global "myname"
- Set email (for your commits)
git config --global ""
- Enable CLI color codes
git config --global color.ui auto
New repositories
- Download git repo from server
git clone
Code change workflow
- Get changes from remote repository
git fetch
- Check differences to branch you want merge into yours
git diff
- Merge changes from remote branch into your branch
git merge origin master
- Check what files are(n’t) staged for commit
git status
- Stage all files that are tracked (not in .gitignore)
git add .
- If necessary: Unstage all files (or a specific file) that are staged
git reset [specific-file]
- Commit all staged files (add to versioning history)
git commit -m "[ticket-id + what you changed]"
- Load commits into remote git repository
git push
Managing changes
- See changes due to last pull request
git log -p -2
Pull changes into dev/test/master branch
- Pull changes into dev branch (and add your changes at the end)
git fetch git checkout dev git pull --rebase feature1branch
- Pull only specific commits into your branch
git cherry-pick [commit-SHA]
Undo and Rollback
- Rollback the last commit
git reset head~1
To provide the files from the last commit: git reset --soft HEAD~1
- Rollback to a specific commit
You can still see the changes from your HEAD in your files. To make the reset materialize, you need to discard these unstaged changes in git.
git reset [commit-SHA]
Since you are now several commits behind the remote, you have to force push the changes: git push -f origin [myBranchyBranch]
To create a new commit to undo earlier commits, use git revert
- Travel back to a specific commit
git checkout [commit-SHA]
- Delete sensitive data from history:
- List all branches and show which one you are on
git branch -a
- Create new branch and check it out
git checkout -b [branch-name]
- Change to a specific branch
git checkout [specific-branch]
- Delete a specific branch
git branch -d [specific-branch]
- Rename the current branch
git branch -m myNewBranch
- Show commit history with branch dependencies
git log --graph --oneline